A Brief Presentation of Asociación Hispano Nórdica de Nerja -
AHN Nerja
The organisation AHN has six local clubs spread all over Costa del Sol. The clubs are a forum
and a meeting point for Scandinavians living in Andalusia. Their activities include, apart from
club meetings, a comprehensive program of activities ranging from church meetings to golf,
bridge, parties etc.
Another purpose with the association is to
promote mutual understanding of and
knowledge about the Spanish and the
Nordic cultures among the population in
the local area.
The weekly club meeting in AHN Nerja has
both a social and a cultural purpose at the
same time as it offers the members good
quality information targeted at the
Scandinavian expatriates in the area.
The Club invites persons of Scandinavian
origin, or other individuals that feel they
have some kind of relation to the
Scandinavian society, to join the club as members. The majority of the meetings are held in
Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English. In respect of the latter, the command of English
among the Scandinavians is very good. Having said that, all internal communication is done in
any of the Scandinavian languages.
If you are interested to know more about the Club's activities you are welcome to contact the
Chairman Mr. Frank Andersson at +46 705 417 296 or at frank@ahn-nerja.org .
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